Traditions, ingredients, flavors, techniques, 65 classic recipes in presentation Hard Cover.

"The Food and Cooking of Colombia & Venezuela" opens a window to the world in the lives of Colombian and Venezuelan families. In its pages we find authentic traditions of both countries. From arepas and pandebonos, sancochos and casseroles, peppers and the whole range of products and much more, in the wide range of recipes that will fill your Heart with affection and comfort.

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The Food and Cooking of Colombia & Venezuela

  • Author: Patricia McCausland-Gallo
  • Publicado en Agosto 2004
  • 171 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016
  • ISBN 0-7818-1025-6Soft Cover: 60 pages



Absolutely love this book. The author has done an outstanding job with the photos and explanations of Colombian recipes. I am Colombian and have bought 4 of these books for gifts to my friends and family, and I even got one for myself. For my friends, it's nice that they can learn so much about my culture (in a nutshell), and for me, I feel that even though I was born and raised in Colombia, I don't know all the traditional recipes and this book has helped me greatly.

It's certainly one of its kind, the photos are amazing and the recipes are truly fantastic! Thanks Patricia! - Amazon customer


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