Thank you Vanessa for writing to me and telling me about your experience with my book Secrets of Colombian Cooking. It is wonderful to be able to give remembrance and joy to many expatriates like me and others wanting to relive many of our wonderful tastes straight from our homes and to share them with others.
This moning a group of friends got together and had a special breakfast of Colombian Cooking. We had cheese arepas, grated green plantain Arañitas, chorizo, white farmer´s cheese, suero which is our creme fraiche, avocado ají, and a variety of fruit. Coffee with milk, and Diet Coke were.
¨I am so happy to have bought your book ¨Secrets of Colombian Cooking¨. My parents are from Cartagena, so I know Colombian cuisine well, unfortunately, we can only enjoy it in restaurants. My mother is a terrible cook. She was never one for the kitchen and so she only ever learned one or two recipes. I made ´Arepa con huevo´ this morning and they were so good. (This is something my mother has unsuccessfully tried, she can´t get her arepas to puff right, and so the egg goes everywhere but in the arepa). Anyways, I just wanted to thank you for writing such a great recipe book! I enjoy you youtube videos as well!!! Keep up the good work!¨
Pachi´s Blog

Hola, Soy Chef Pachi

Entrenadora de Chef, Nutricionista de Alimentos y Cocinera enamorada de la Comida Latina, Autora de seis libros de cocina. +40 años de experiencia en la Industria de la comida y la Nutrición.

... y la Ciencia de la Alimentación

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